Sunday, October 12, 2014

What is happening in this world of ours? Madness seems to spreading from coast to coast and from continent to continent.  The blood lust of ISIS cannot be satiated as they move like a plague of locusts from one land to another.  Our president is too timid to anything of any value except to send in the air force and it is widely believed that fifth columnists are infiltrating many countries even as we sit here ready to spread their interpretation of Islam to the determent of the world. 
Has God abandoned his children on earth to the whims of the followers of the prophet?  I think not.  God will be moving His mighty arm and he will crush the enemies of The People of God in His time.  He knows the hour, minute, and second that He will move.  Until then we Christians must remain faithful to the Gospel, we must pray, we must sacrifice.  We must TRUST IN JESUS.  Remember Jesus has already won the victory.  All praise, honor, and glory to the Name which is above every other name.  Jesus Christ is Lord! 

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Mercy and Justice has a name and that name is Jesus.  Jesus is first of all merciful.  He  calls all of us to come to Him and accept His mercy.  He loves each one of us so much that He became one of us and accepted even death, death on the Cross. 

At some time in the future Jesus will return to put all things under His feet so that every person who ever lived will acknowledge Him as Lord.  He will come and bring justice with Him.  What we have done, the sins we have committed were all committed against God. If we do not accept the mercy of Jesus when it is being offered today, on that latter day we will have to accept His justice. 

The fountain of the Lord's mercy is unstoppable and unquenchable. You only have to ask for it and He will give it to you no matter how sinful, no matter how far away you have wandered from Him. 

Seek the Lord while He may be found...the Bible tells us.  There are those among us that say we are in the end times, that the return of Jesus is imminent. I say perhaps, but I know that my time grows closer and closer every day.  I seek the Mercy of Jesus for all of the many sins I have committed, knowingly and with little regard for Him or His Father.   I have been a bad adopted son, an ambassador that has committed treason against His kingdom but I have also, through the Church, confessed my treachery and I have received mercy from the Merciful one.  My desire today is to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. 

My friend, the time is now for you to seek mercy.  Offer your heart and soul to the One who loves you. Accept the mercy from the King of Mercy.  He is there today, this moment, waiting for your return.  It matters not what sins you have committed or how long you have been away.  Jesus is in love with you and calls your name softly and hopes with his Sacred Heart that you accept His love and His mercy.  

If you are a Catholic, examine your conscience, acknowledge your guilt privately to Jesus and tell Him how sorry you are and that you will with His help try to avoid sinning again.  Made a good act of contrition (see below) and the next time the opportunity presents itself take advantage of the Sacrament of Reconciliation to receive the forgiveness your soul desires. 

Act of Contrition
Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee, 
and I detest all of my sins because of thy just punishments. 
But most of all because they offend thee my God 
who art worthy of all my love. 
I firmly resolve with the help of thy grace 
to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin.