Sunday, October 4, 2015

Amazing Grace - A further reflection....

Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound...

I really wasn't thinking of doing a part two to my thoughts about the hymn Amazing Grace but something came to mind after I published part one that I wanted to share. 

So yesterday I gave my opinion that Amazing Grace as written taught concepts that were alien to the Catholic Church, such as the Protestant teachings of total depravity and grace.  There is one other aspect that may color Catholic thinking and make this song suitable for use by Catholics and that is that Amazing Grace is not a what but a who. 

"Amazing Grace" is the person of Jesus Christ and to a Catholic this makes all the difference in the world.  Jesus is the source of all of the things mentioned in the song.  It is the death of Jesus that made it possible to be saved, thus we can give Jesus a new title, Jesus IS Amazing Grace.  

The Catholic Church is centered in Christ for it is HIS Church and He is the author of all doctrine and the One who sent the Holy Spirit to keep His Church safe from the gates of hell.  So, I think that with this final adjustment, this ancient hymn can be safely used by Catholics.

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