In the time of Jesus as you know there were two parties in the Temple, The Sadducees and the Pharisees. The Sadducees were the conservatives of the temple. They also represented the rich people of the time and had more seats in the Great Sanhedrin than their rivals. They believed only in the written word of God and disavowed Oral Tradition. They did not believe in the afterlife and said that the soul died when the body died. They therefore denied that the body would be resurrected on the last day. Generally the High Priest was taken from this caste. They were more concerned with politics and not so much with religion. When the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. they ceased to exist.
The Pharisees on the other hand were more middle class and were more respected by the people. They believed in both the Word of God and in Oral Tradition, spiritual life, and angels. They also believed that God did have control of life and had a hand in history. After the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. they were the first to make peace with the Romans. So we can see that battle lines were drawn even in the ancient times and importantly in the time that Jesus was on earth.
We Catholics believe in the Bible. The Bible is revered, taught and loved by Catholics. If you don't know the Bible it is very hard if not downright impossible to know Jesus. If a person were to attend Mass daily eventually he would hear most of the Bible proclaimed to him over the course of four years. As a matter of fact there are some denominations that use the same readings as the Catholics do on a weekly basis.
The "reformers" decided that Scripture Alone should be the basis of Christian life. This sounds like a really good idea. That the words of Scripture, the inerrant, infallible Word of God should be the guide of the followers of Christ is a great idea. Unfortunately, it does not work and it never did. The issue with Sola Scriptura first of all is that it is not taught in the Bible. Another issue we have is that what about those poor people in the first century church? The only written scripture was what we call the Old Testament. The teachings of the Apostles were handed down orally until they were eventually written down. The next problem we have with Sola Scriptura is that the Bible does not list which books are supposed to be in it and which books are not. The Church under the inspiration and protection of the Holy Spirit made the decision as to which books belonged in the Bible. They decided, for example, that the the Gospel of Matthew was inspired and belonged in the Bible while the Gospel of Thomas was not.
One principle of Sola Scriptura is that the Bible can be interpreted by everyone and they will interpret it truly. Since the 1500's we have seen what fruit this has grown because of Sola Scriptura. The Christian Church once one as Jesus prayed it to be was torn asunder. Today there are thousands of denominations each believing a separate version of "the truth."
I thank God that I have the Catholic Church that is able to tell me just what scripture means. I can be one hundred percent sure that the Church's interpretation is true.
But just what is Sacred Tradition? Sacred Tradition cannot be confused with mere human tradition. Sacred Tradition begins with the Bible and all that the Bible teaches. That is kind of ironic, isn't it? Sacred Tradition is the handing down from one generation to the next the teachings of the Church. But doesn't the Bible specifically condemn traditions? Here are some examples of traditions (note lower case "t".)
-Christmas Tree
- Rosary
- Priestly Celibacy
- Lighting votive candles
- Statues
- Stained Glass Windows
Notice that the above are traditions that do not represent doctrine of the Church. Each of the above could be changed. For example, it is not a requirement of the Church for her members to pray the Rosary. Priestly Celibacy is a discipline of the Church and there is no reason why the Pope, if he wanted to, could not dispense with it. A Catholic Church is still a Catholic Church no matter if it has votive lights, statues, or stained glass windows. All of these things are traditional in the human sense.
Sacred Tradition, on the other hand is Doctrine of the Church. It can be identified because it is the beliefs handed down by the Apostles. The Bible itself is part of the Sacred Tradition of the Church. In the first century the teachings of Jesus were carefully passed down from one generation to the next. The Bible as we know it today did not exist, only the books of the Old Testament existed in writing. So it was not possible for most of the people in the first century to follow Sola Scriptura, as it did not exist. Paul in 1 Cor. 11:2 says "I commend you because you remember me in everything and and maintain the traditions even as I have delivered them to you."
Okay, but lets get into the chapter and verse that Fundamentalists and Evangelicals use to defend their condemnation of the Catholic Church. "So by these traditions of yours you have made God's laws ineffectual. You hypocrites, it was true prophesy that Isaiah made of you, when he said, "This people does me honor with its lips, but its heart is far from me. Their worship is in vain, for the doctrines they teach are the traditions of men. " (Matthew 15 6-9)
Jesus was not condemning Sacred Tradition here, but if you take the text in context, he was condemning the tradition of the Pharisees dedicating their possessions to the temple so they could avoid having to use them to support their aging parents, violating the fourth commandment that states we are to honor our mother and father. (Exodus 20:12)
Why do we have a Church? Why did Jesus feel the need to start one? He knew that his return was going to take some time. He knew that his Apostles would be called home to heaven. Sacred Tradition is nothing more or less that the handing down of the teachings of the Apostles by the Church who is protected by the Holy Spirit from teaching error.
Finally, if you ask any Protestant what the pillar of faith for a Christian is he will no doubt tell you that it is the Bible. This is not correct. The Bible itself does not make this claim. As a matter of fact in 1 Timothy 3:15 we learn that the Church is the pillar and foundation of truth. I just wonder how my Protestant friends can gloss over this declaration.
Remember, I am challenging the Protestant World to convert this cradle Catholic. Challenge any and all of Catholic beliefs. Prove to me unequivocally any one piece of Catholic Doctrine wrong and I will convert to the Protestant denomination you recommend.
May the light of Christ lead you home to His most Sacred Heart where you will find mercy and rest.