Sunday, November 15, 2015

Wars and Rumors of Wars - A Call to A New Crusade

Once again Islam shows its true nature and over one-hundred innocent people are senselessly murdered in the name of the moon god. I know Pope Francis tells us that Muslims worship the same God as we do. Be advised that his pronouncement on this issue is not an infallible statement so it is okay for a good Catholic boy like me to dispute albeit softly and respectfully this statement. I have no doubt that the vast majority of the followers of the prophet are decent human beings that are horrified at the senseless bloodshed perpetrated in their name in Paris. My criticisms do not target the vast majority, although their silence makes them somewhat less innocent. The average man on the prayer rug should be joining with the rest of the world in acclaiming horror at the bloodletting terror that was unleashed in Paris, Beirut, and I understand that there was a suicide bombing in Turkey yesterday as well. Yet these is nothing but silence from the vast majority of Muslims.  

We in the United States have tasted the cup of jihad because blood has already been spilled in our own land on September Eleventh in New York and at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, and at the hand of an unbalanced jihadist officer who shot fellow soldiers.   ISIS has changed the game by sending their foolish and ignorant suicide bombers to cities outside of the sphere of their influence.  I am afraid that here in the United States some misguided follower of the prophet will someday soon release more spores of hate and more Americans will become victims of the moon god. 

Are the jihadists actually the tools of God? Are their presence among us signs that the Apocalypse is upon us? In our readings this week at Mass we hear Jesus speak of the end times.  I think our pastor made a good point in his homily when he said that no matter what happens, no matter what disaster may strike in our lives, God is always with us, Jesus is there to comfort us and Jesus has already won the ultimate victory.  

We CAN defeat radical Islam without a doubt.  Force of arms has its role to play but I believe that we can do more good by mounting a crusade against Islam.  I am not speaking about taking up arms but relying on a powerful weapon that has defeated many of the opponents of God, that is prayer. God only needs to move his hand against ISIS and they will be routed!  I am inviting all Christians, Catholic and Protestant to pray to the Lord our God and begging Him to move His mighty hand and save us from the hands of the followers of the moon god.  

Catholics...Awake!  This is a call to arms.  Arm yourself with the Rosary and pray for peace.  We all know how powerful prayer is and how supremely powerful the Rosary is.  Let us pray.

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