Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Truth Within You

No, I am not some New Age guru selling chants and magic stones.  Far from it.  The New Age movement and all of its beliefs are incompatible with Christian beliefs. And I do not mean just Catholic beliefs. The things taught by the new age people are simply a return to pagan thought. Am I narrow minded? When it comes to these tools of the devil you bethcha!  No, I am talking about the Truth that lies within each one of us.  When we were created God programmed us to know good from bad.  This programming was augmented hopefully by our upbringing. That is why when I stole a cookie when I was a child I knew I did wrong.  I also knew that I did wrong when I lied about it. I should have wiped the crumbs from my lips before I told my tale, but I got caught. 

We Christians, Catholic and Protestant, are taught from young age to listen to the little voice inside of us. That voice is the voice of your conscience. It is one of the best gifts we have received from God.  When it comes to conscience we have two choices. We can listen to and be guided by it or we can stifle it and do what we want to do. 

If we have formed our conscience in the way of the Lord we will never be taken down the wrong path if we listen to it.  If we choose to do our own thing well, that will soften volume of the warning our conscience gives us in the future. 

The path to hell is lined with things such as "just once" or "a little won't hurt" or "no one will notice."  Each of these excuses is our way of quieting that little voice and justifying our sin to ourselves. Done often enough and the voice becomes quieter and quieter. It will never completely disappear but we can train ourselves to ignore it.  This is very dangerous to our spiritual health. 

A Christian needs to listen keenly for the wisdom being broadcast by his or her conscience.  Before taking action we need to realize that our conscience should be our guide.  When we are born we have basic instructions inside of us as a gift from God.  Our parents and teachers and clergy, if they are doing their jobs properly, will help us augment our basic conscience. We ourselves will sharpen our database by studying scripture.

So next time you come to a fork in the road listen carefully to what the truth within you is counseling you to do. If you do this and if you actively follow Christian principles in your life you will never be led down the path of selfishness and vainglory.  God has given you your conscience.  Thank Him for it and use it. 

My book "Journey to Emmaus" is available for your Kindle.  It is a thirty day, five minute a day, journey through scripture that will bring you closer to Jesus.  

You can purchase your copy at Amazon. The link below will take you directly to the page that shows the book. 

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