Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Nineveh Chamber of Commerce Welcomes You

Jonah began his journey through the city and had gone but a single day's walk announcing, "Forty days more and Nineveh shall be destroyed," when the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast and all of them, great and small, put on sackcloth. When God saw by their actions how they turned from their evil way, he repented of the evil that he had threatened to do to them;  he did not carry it out.

Nineveh was a strong country with a strong king and army.  They flourished and unfortunately for them, they forgot the ways of God and trampled on His Law every chance the got.  God decided that He had enough of the people of Nineveh and He slated them for destruction.  He wanted to give them a chance so He sent Jonah, you know the fellah that spent three days in the belly of a whale.  The city was huge and it was a three-day walk to get through it.  Jonah, who was not happy that Nineveh was getting a chance to repent nevertheless did as God commanded him and proclaimed that in forty days Nineveh would be destroyed.  He had gotten only part way through the city when his words sunk into the souls of the citizens.  The king even heard of the impending disaster and he took it so seriously that he proclaimed a fast and people were to wear sackcloth and ashes and to repent of their evil ways.  God saw that the people of Nineveh were repenting and God decided that the destruction he had planned would not be carried out. 

We can draw parallels between Ninevah and our country,  We have a strong and very rich country that values freedom above all. But our successes and our riches have turned us away from the One who made all of these things possible, God.  Prayer is not allowed in our schools, basic expressions of belief are forbidden on public property and the pagans and atheists seem to gain more power to push their sinful agenda.  We call the murder of a child in the womb "women's health" while in most cases the only thing that is in jeopardy is the woman's convenience as she does not want to have a baby at this time.  We have turned our back on God and yet we still sing "God Bless America."  Why should He continue to bless us when we through the actions of the pagans and atheists or the silent acceptance of the believer have chosen to leave His protection. 

America is a very strong country, that is true.  But the strength of a building does not begin with the upper floors but with the foundation,  Our foundation, the one built with skill and daring by our forefathers is being allowed to rot and crumble into dust.  For our forefathers the motto, "In God We Trust" would have meant something to them. Does it mean anything to us? The founding fathers saw the hand of God being moved as this nation was created.  Today, no one is brave enough to say that they are on God's side but everyone says that God is on theirs.  Really? How do you know?  

To each of us, I pose this challenge.  Today think of yourself as a citizen of Nineveh.  What would you have done if you heard the voice of Johah?  The signs of impending tragedy are there for all to see.  America the Beautiful, land of the free and home of the brave, is being called back into union with God and the time is now, not a year from now or even a minute from now.  What God has given us He can take away.  

Our brothers and sisters in Purgatory would appreciate a shout out to God on their behalf.  An Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be said for their intention would be most helpful to them.    

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