I usually try to stay away politics in my blog. But this upcoming election has been on my mind and I just want to say something about it. It looks line we are going to have to choose between Clinton and Trump. This is the first time in my sixty plus years of living on the planet and participating in elections that I would not mind having a choice of "none of the above." Each of the people we seem to be nominating to run are outstanding in many ways, but that is not good. Both of them are liars. Hillary lied about using a private server for email when she was secretary of state. On the other hand Trump will say whatever he can to get himself votes. I read an article on line about The Donald and it pointed out, for example, that despite his rhetoric against Muslims, whom he said that 1 our of four is a terrorist, he does business with them and has made a lot of money off of them. So he says one thing that will tickle the ears of some and thus he will earn their vote. To listen to Trump is to listen to a man who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. If it takes a little white lie here or there, well so be it.
We Americans have put up with eight years with a president that has been ruling by decree and a legislative branch that does not want to do anything. So we are at a stalemate and that is why Obama has had to rule by decree like some twentieth century despot. All we need to make it really like the 1930's is for Obama to annex the English speaking parts of Canada and welcome them back to the homeland.
As a Christian we have to be thoughtful as to whom we are going to vote for when it the elections comes to pass in November. We deserve better than the choices we are going to be given, We will Hillary promising women the right to women's health - which means abortion will become more of a problem than it was before. When I was young I followed the Democratic party and like my parents before me voted the straight party ticket. I have not done this since the 1980's as I have to pick the candidate that most represents what my values are.
The GOP supports life and right to life causes and this draws me towards them. That Donald Trump will be their boy come the November election rappels me. Trump has no experience in politics, and actually he came by his money honestly, he inherited it. Hillary and her hubby Bill "I didn't have sex with that girl" Clinton have their money too, from speaking fees that range in the six figures.
I am going to have to pray about this election except I know that there is no way that I can see where I can vote for Trump so maybe my mind is already made up. Share some thoughts.
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