Saturday, March 12, 2016

Walking With Jesus

There is an old saying that a journey begins with a single step. It was not too long ago that on this blog we spoke about the birth of Jesus and the coming of the magi. One of the gifts that was brought at that time was myrrh which was a funeral spice. Could you imagine bring a bottle of embalming fluid as a gift for a new mother? The journey that Christ embarked on started well before this moment. It started when Eve ate of the fruit and got Adam to join her. It began with the promise of God that He would not abandon us and that He would send a savior, through the woman.  So Christ is now born. He went through his young years just as any child would do. He worked at the side of Joseph his earthly father, who passed on to Him the joys of being a carpenter and of putting in a good days work. The journey of Jesus continues step by step until one day He found Himself on the final journey. He was prepared for this final walk by being scourged which is the process of being whipped with a whip that had pieces of bone or rick sewed into the end each strand that cut the skin open with each stroke. He was then mocked and dressed in purple robes and struck by the soldiers in charge of Him. Then he truly began His last journey, putting one foot in front of the other as he walked to Calvary. Once there he was pushed to the ground and great nails were driven through his wrists and feet and He was placed on public view on the cross. Those that put Him there mocked and laughed at Him.  The sun bore down on his body. Blood from the crown of thorns clouded his vision. He was tormented by insects, a devilish thirst, and lain beyond belief as his tired arms tried to keep him up high for when he sunk, while his arms rested, he would not be able to breathe. Then his journey came to an end and the known as Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross. His body was removed from the cross after being pierced by a spear, and it was laid into the arms of his mother. He was then buried in a borrowed tomb.  If the story ended here then the act that Jesus undertook would have no meaning. But we know that he arose from the dead on the third day and defeated death forever. 

We are called to walk day by day with Jesus always keeping focused on Him and doing to others what He asked us to do, to love them as he loves us.  This is no small demand, if you realize that the road he took lead to his death, he gave everything and He calls us to do the same. 

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