Thursday, December 21, 2017

Hope In The Darkness

Our soul waits for the LORD,
who is our help and our shield,

For in him our hearts rejoice;

in his holy name we trust. 

Do you see it in the picture above?  No, not all of the bleak darkness!  Right there, in the center - a small pinprick of light. That small bit of light is growing larger and as it does it chases the darkness that surrounds it away.  There is a power in the darkness that causes us to be afraid.  Things can hide in the darkness that can spring out and hurt us. Sometimes the things that we think are in the darkness paralyze us even though there is nothing there.  Darkness is a real thing, it lives in itself, it is not the lack of light, darkness is darkness and it has a power all of its own. They speak of the speed of light yet darkness travels at the same speed for where light is no more, darkness reigns.
 We are approaching the end of our Advent journey.  December 21st, the Winter Solstice, marks the day that the darkness has full sway and night is as long as the day.  Our souls too may be in a dark place, a sad place, a place that is forlorn, cold, and forbidding.  Yet we see that the darkness is being banished, that the light is chasing it away and all we have to do is wait and pray and soon the darkness will be gone and all will be light. 

One thing that will chase away the cold darkness is a lantern with a candle burning cheerfully bright. There is such a lantern and it burns in the sanctuary of your church and deeply in your heart.  It shouts out in the darkness, "Here is light, here is love, come and be in the light of Christ."  The darkness has no power at all when Christ is present. If you are trapped in a dark place, call on Jesus to light and warm your soul, to comfort you in your grief, to lift you up and strengthen you. Just ask for His light and He will come to you and you will place your head on His chest and your heart will beat as one with His.   

The poor souls in Purgatory are always joyful for they know that soon, perhaps very soon, they will be elevated to heaven to be in the presence of God, Jesus, Mary, and all of the saints.  They can be released early if you pray for them earnestly. Please pray for them today.  Pray for those who have died before you. Mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather or grandmother, aunts, and uncles, all might be in need of your prayer.  But what if they are already in heaven? Your prayers will be applied to other souls in need of help.  Remember:  As they are, someday you may be. 

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