Friday, June 22, 2018

Better Than Bitcoin - Guaranteed Huge Returns !

Jesus said to his disciples:
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth,
where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal.
But store up treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal.
For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.

There is probably no greater illustration of what Jesus is speaking about, disappearing treasure, in this world than the hapless Bitcoin. The Bitcoin exists in the ether as a collection of zeros and ones the binary sum of which infuses a material worth to the holder of the electronic wallet.  So, with a bitcoin account, you can be rich as the devil at eight in the morning and a poor pauper a minute later when some hacker in the Ukrainian village of Posessitscam hacks into your account and changes the ones and zeros into zeros and ones and takes possession of all of your bitcoins and you left with nothing but the sinking feeling that you have been had.  Actually, the initial mistake was made when you placed your trust in something minted by another human being. 

As Catholic Christians, we need to store up treasure, but the treasure we need to store up is that which no man, no hacker, no prince or king on this earth can ever cheat or steal or otherwise walk away with.  We need to lay up for ourselves treasure in heaven. We need to do things that please the Father for His pleasure can never be rescinded by circumstances on earth. He has an infinite love for us and looks for us to return some of that love to Him.  Our attempts to do so are all that is required so it does not matter if we fail in our attempts for He will bring good out of even our failures.  God knows what is in our wallet and knows that we need some of this worlds money to live on earth. It is just how the game is played.  But He wants you to focus on your eternal future with Him.  I can tell you as a junior senior citizen that the years go by like smoke in a windstorm.  So, store up for yourselves the things that will last. Good deeds, kindness, gratitude, and gentleness will all add to your heavenly treasure which you will keep in the place that Jesus is at this very moment preparing for you.  God bless you on this Friday, the first full day of Summer 2018. 

I am not going to remind you to pray for the Poor Souls in Purgatory today.  You know that they need our prayers to help shorten their stay and we know that where they are today we might be with them tomorrow.  

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