Tuesday, June 5, 2018

End Times - What To Do While We Wait

Wait for and hasten the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved in flames and the elements melted by fire. But according to his promise, we await new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, since you await these things, be eager to be found without spot or blemish before him, at peace. And consider the patience of our Lord as salvation. Therefore, beloved, since you are forewarned, be on your guard not to be led into the error of the unprincipled and to fall from your own stability. But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

Our evangelical friends spend a lot of time, effort, and study regarding the end of the world. Certain pseudo-Christians such as the Jehovah Witnesses were founded on the principle that the end of the world was not only coming but that it was predictable.  They predicted the day of Christ's return over and over and as you can see they were right every time (not)!  There have been books that have been written that show how current news supports the fact that the end times are here. One of the most famous is "The Late Great Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey who predicted the imminent return of Jesus.  It is a well-written book and I confess that I did read it back in 1970 when Hal predicted that the world would end on such and such a day so we can see that he too was absolutely correct in his predictions as the world ended just as he said. 

The fact is that every generation, from the time of the Ascension of the Lord to the present day believes that they will be the generation to see the return of Christ on the Day of the Lord. One generation is fated to be correct and the rest of us are fated to be waiting. 

Human beings over the years have wasted a great deal of time and energy trying to predict the date of the end of the world when even Jesus said only the Father knew the date and time. We all await that day, some with great fear and others with great anticipation.  Our author of today's reading tells us we should prepare ourselves and be eager to be found without spot or blemish when the Lord returns.  On the day of our Baptism, we or our godparents accepted on our behalf a white garment which symbolized our soul's purity because we had died with Christ and were reborn in the cleansing waters of Baptism.  We were told to bring the garment back unstained.  

Instead of wasting time looking to the sky for signs and wonders, we should look inside ourselves and make our souls as ready as we can for the return of Christ whenever that may be.  The only thing we can be absolutely sure about that day is that it will be at a date and time of God the Father's choosing. Look to tend the fields that God has given you to tend. Take care of those around you as if they were plants of great price and irreplaceable.  Through your work, bring light to the world that mostly lives in darkness. If you do these things you need not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the devastating plague at noon. Though a thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your right side, near you it shall not come. The day of the Lord will find you safe beneath the wings of God who will protect and nurture you and show you the way home. 

Our relatives, friends, and neighbors who have gone before us might be in Purgatory. This is good news because it means that eventually, they will see God in heaven.  This is bad news because they cannot do anything for themselves to hasten that day. Don't let your love for these people that you know end at the edge of the grave. Your prayer support of them will net you rewards as they will remember those that helped them. Remember too the millions of faith-filled Protestants in Purgatory, they spent their lives not believing in it and now they are there with none of their relatives willing to pray for them.  Please offer some prayers today.  Remember, as they are today someday you might also be. 

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