Friday, February 22, 2019

Four-Day Sex Abuse Conference - Last Chance or New Beginning?

First reading1 Peter 5:1-4 ©
Watch over the flock, not simply as a duty but gladly
Now I have something to tell you elders: I am an elder myself, and a witness to the sufferings of Christ, and with you, I have a share in the glory that is to be revealed. Be the shepherds of the flock of God that is entrusted to you: watch over it, not simply as a duty but gladly, because God wants it; not for sordid money, but because you are eager to do it. Never be a dictator over any group that is put in your charge, but be an example that the whole flock can follow. When the chief shepherd appears, you will be given the crown of unfading glory.

All of the prelates are gathered together to address the problem of clerical sexual abuse of church members by renegade priests and even some bishops and cardinals!  We are pretty well versed on the tale of the disgraced and defrocked former Cardinal McCarrick who although under sanction by Pope Benedict and who was instructed by the same to live the rest of his life out in prayer and repentance, was given a high office by Pope Francis in spite of his predecessor's sanctions.  Although I have to say that all of the Cardinals should have known better by this time because they should be able to remember when the scandal broke back in 2004, it appears the same offenses of transferring priests who were sexual predators went on, hush money was paid, and the predators went on with life as if nothing had happened. 

Clues as to how to form a culture come from the top.  It is very unfortunate indeed that the Holy Father choose to send signals that it was okay to employ sexual predators for day to day tasks and that a blind eye could be turned towards their offenses if need be.  The Church in America did not read nor act upon the signals that Francis was sending as strongly as the rest of the world did. The American bishops worked together and while there is more work to be done even here in America, the rest of the world followed Francis' lead and it was business as usual coupled with a large dose of smoke and mirrors to blind outsiders to what was taking place right under the noses of the bishops.  

We cannot expect much from this four-day conference and I am sure that our expectations will be met.  But let us hope that this marks the beginning of the end of this sordid time of scandal in the Catholic Church.  Let us hope that all of the Cardinals go home and tackle this problem like a dog eating meat and that the miscreants are identified, tried, and removed from their ministry.  We have this final chance to get things right and I hope that our humble but inept leader, Francis, rolls up his sleeves and does what is right for the Church to include removing men from office who only are in it for themselves. 

I would never leave the Catholic Church because she IS the bride of Christ and she remains holy in spite of any scandals we humans can throw at her.  Besides, the Catholic Church is the one place where the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ is available to me every day of the week in the Eucharist.  Our leaders are fallible men and boy have they fallibled this up.  We need to pray for the Church, for her leaders and for the preists, deacons, and religious that they may turn the Church around and start being guardians of the flock instead of a secret society protecting the powerful. 

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