Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Flood - Is it a warning to modern culture?

First reading
Genesis 6:5-8,7:1-5,10 ©
Noah's Ark
The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that the thoughts in his heart fashioned nothing but wickedness all day long. The Lord regretted having made man on the earth, and his heart grieved. ‘I will rid the earth’s face of man, my own creation,’ the Lord said ‘and of animals also, reptiles too, and the birds of heaven; for I regret having made them.’ But Noah had found favor with the Lord.
  The Lord said to Noah, ‘Go aboard the ark, you and all your household, for you alone among this generation do I see as a good man in my judgment. Of all the clean animals you must take seven of each kind, both male and female; of the unclean animals you must take two, a male and its female (and of the birds of heaven also, seven of each kind, both male and female), to propagate their kind over the whole earth. For in seven days’ time I mean to make it rain on the earth for forty days and nights, and I will rid the earth of every living thing that I made.’ Noah did all that the Lord ordered.
  Seven days later the waters of the flood appeared on the earth.

Just a short article today.  We read above of God getting really angry at man and at the evil he was carrying around in his heart. He decided to reboot the human race and used Noah and his family as the catalyst for the new race of man.  A few things that I have to point out:
  1. There was something special about Noah and his extended families that joined him on the arc, they are were married and each was one man and one wife. This was in an era where polygamy was the rule.  
  2. God could have eliminated the unclean animals at this time and made life simpler for the future generations but it appears that the unclean animals had a purpose too. 
  3. We often hear that they went in two by two, but actually, the clean animals could not do that because they went in there were seven of them - one had to go in alone.  
  4. Insects, where are the insects? 
We know the rest of the story, the rains came and the earth was covered and everything not on the arc died.  Then the people on the arc, after the rains, and after the dove did not return to the arc, they eventually were able to let the animals go and they themselves started to work the land again. God gave us the rainbow that told us he would never destroy the earth again by flood.  

For us in the twenty-first century, does this story have any impact on us?  Well, it does show that God can lose patience with us and that he can send chastisements to his children to wake them up.  With all of the evil in the world, I can't imagine why He hasn't sent us a wake-up call.  Or has He?  What do you think?

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