Sunday, August 5, 2018

The Bread From Heaven

"Sir, give us this bread always."  Jesus said to them,  "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst."
It is great to be a Catholic and to have the fullness of the truth of the Gospel leading us to heaven.  The Catholic Church alone has the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of the resurrected Jesus available to its members pretty much on demand daily. 

The Eucharist is such a great gift.  Can you imagine the God that created the universe assuming the form of bread and wine and coming so close to His creatures so as to form a one on one bond with them, united them to Him and to one another in the great sign of unity to last until He returns in glory? 

All Christians believe that Jesus is Lord.  Jesus loves all who profess His name and I do not believe that he will turn away the Christian from a storefront church especially if that person lived a holy life.  We Catholics live with the full truth of the Gospel while other denominations have parts of the truth, they do not have it all and it makes it harder for them to be Christians but nothing is impossible for God.

Sadly, when it comes to the Eucharist, our separated brothers and sisters have developed short-sightedness because they treat the passages where Jesus speaks of giving us His Body and Blood differently than they treat the rest of the Bible.  For example, they will point out to us that we must be heathens because we call our pastors "father" but Jesus says to call no man father. They strictly interpret this passage where Jesus is using hyperbole to explain a principle but when it comes to the sixth chapter of John where the Eucharist is explained, they say it is all to be thought of as symbolic.  This is in spite of the fact that when Jesus speaks about eating His flesh he uses the words that mean to gnaw or tear at meat which is something you cannot do to a symbol. 

Remember well Catholic man and Catholic woman, what it is we receive and take full advantage of Jesus being one with you as you receive.  You can get no closer to Jesus this side of Heaven.  Do not leave Him alone to contemplate your soul.  Speak to Him as a friend, share confidences with Him, be humble and ask for help for yourself and others. If you have absolutely nothing to say, then just adore Him and thank Him for this wonderful gift.  You can even apply the graces He brings you to the Poor Souls in Purgatory.  Yes, it is a powerful and wonderful gift that He gives us. 

The Communion Song

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