Thursday, August 30, 2018



When I was born many years ago I was a premature baby. I was shy of being full term by about two months. I was the fourth baby my mother carried and the first one that actually lived. November 3rd was that date that I was born and it was the date of my emergency Baptism. On the day I first drew breath I became a member of the Church that was founded by Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I was taught about my faith by my mother, God rest her soul, and by the good sisters of St. Joseph. I learned about my religion in Catholic school, received my sacraments and found that it was a community that I will always belong to because of the Gift of the Eucharist. I could not leave the Church for any other denomination because they do not have the Blessed Sacrament. So call me a right-wing Catholic boy for that is what I was born and what I am now and what I will be when God calls me home.

I know some of us are ashamed of what some of our priests and their supervisors did. Their sins are forgivable but not excusable. But I do not have to explain to anyone why I am and choose to remain a Catholic. I also do not hot have to apologize to anyone that I did not personally hurt. The sins of the father are not carried to the son. We each are personally responsible for what we do and it is the same for the pirate priests and their buccaneer protectors. I do not have to and will not apologize for them. I will not apologize for what any deacon, priest, bishop, archbishop, cardinal, or even pope has done that falls outside of the vows they take. They will need to deal with it themselves, I need not stand droopy headed before any other human being because of their shame.

The future is bright for the Church because once these low lives are rooted out and defrocked, from the curia on down, the scandal will be over. Do not defend the Church, she does not need defending. Let the criminals defend their actions, actions for which there is no defense.   

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