Monday, December 3, 2018

Faith = A Rainy Day and Cloudy Sky and Sunglasses

GospelMatthew 8:5-11 
'I am not worthy to have you under my roof: give the word, and my servant will be healed'
When Jesus went into Capernaum a centurion came up and pleaded with him. ‘Sir,’ he said ‘my servant is lying at home paralyzed, and in great pain.’ ‘I will come myself and cure him’ said Jesus. The centurion replied, ‘Sir, I am not worthy to have you under my roof; just give the word and my servant will be cured. For I am under authority myself and have soldiers under me; and I say to one man: Go, and he goes; to another: Come here, and he comes; to my servant: Do this, and he does it.’ When Jesus heard this he was astonished and said to those following him, ‘I tell you solemnly, nowhere in Israel have I found faith like this. And I tell you that many will come from east and west to take their places with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob at the feast in the kingdom of heaven.’

You just have to have faith.  Without faith nothing is possible.  With faith, all things are possible.  A Centurion was an officer that was in charge of at least one hundred soldiers in the Roman army.  Some that had more experience could have a couple or three hundred men under their command. They were men of authority.  This centurion knew how to wield power.  He used the authority entrusted to him to make things happen.  He understood that when you have authority you can delegate and things get done.  So, when he approached Jesus, he believed that Jesus had the authority and he believed that all Jesus had to do was give the command that his servant be cured and it would happen.  Remember, Jesus had trouble in Capernaum because the people knew Him and did not have faith so miracles were hard to come by. 

So it is easy to recommend that you have faith but sometimes in our own hearts it is hard to come by as well. Please remember that God is very much in love with you.  He wants only the best for you and in His mind "the best" might not include what you are asking for,  Faith is not the thought that you will get what you asked for, although it may be your fondest hope.  No, faith is the realization that the best will come to you because of the Father's love for you and you must keep that in mind through all of the turbulence of life.  Now, go out, walk through the raindrops, and go buy that sunscreen. 

Please remember to pray for the poor souls in Purgatory today. 


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