Tuesday, December 4, 2018

What Is It About Kids That God Loves So Much?

GospelLuke 10:21-24 
No-one knows who the Son is except the Father
Filled with joy by the Holy Spirit, Jesus said:
  ‘I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children. Yes, Father, for that is what it pleased you to do. Everything has been entrusted to me by my Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.’
  Then turning to his disciples he spoke to them in private, ‘Happy the eyes that see what you see, for I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see, and never saw it; to hear what you hear, and never heard it.’

Once again, we have Jesus mentioning the fact that God has revealed to children that have been hidden from the learned and the clever. What is it about children that God likes so much?  Well first off, they are innocent.  They have the ability to see the sun when others cannot see it.  They believe what you tell them.  They find the things that they see fascinating.  They have a sense of fairness and joy about them.  Their spirits themselves are joyful.  '

Many years ago I went to visit my sister who was living with her husband as he worked for the military.  I shared the room with my nephew who was quite young at the time.  The first morning we kind of woke up together and from his bed, he turned and saw me in mine and his whole face lit up in a smile and he said, with his face showing delight that I was there, "Good morning!"  You could see into his soul by way of the expression on his face.  Adults are too sophisticated to react like that. 

In this Advent season, let us pew dwellers look inside ourselves and ask ourselves how we can best become more child-like.  Notice I said child-like, not childish.  Can we give as a child gives?  A child gives from the heart.  Is it possible we can love as a child loves?  A child loves fully and completely.  Can we see other people as a child does, seeing each person as an equal, someone that might be fun to know?  Can we share ourselves like a child shares?  Can we have that sense of fair-play that is built into the young ones?  Can we pray as a child, from the heart and fully engaged with God and just knowing that their prayers are being heard?  Can we do this?  We must do this.  If we do become more child-like we will be ready to accept the Christ Child and all He brings into our heart and we will tirelessly share the joy of having the Savior of the Human Race as our best friend. 

Here is an Advent song to help you meditate today:

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