Gospel |
Matthew 18:12-14 |
The one lost sheep gives him more joy than the ninety-nine that did not stray |
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Tell me. Suppose a man has a hundred sheep and one of them strays; will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hillside and go in search of the stray? I tell you solemnly if he finds it, it gives him more joy than do the ninety-nine that did not stray at all. Similarly, it is never the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost.’
Sheep are rather dull-witted animals. But, I guess they have a pretty good life. I mean that there is always a human being, usually somewhat smarter then they are looking after them. They live their lives peacefully. They spend much of the time eating and growing wool which their master comes and cuts off of them every so often, they don't seem to mind. On their list of things to do every day, thinking is way down at the bottom of the list. Once in a while one of them, usually a lamb, too young to even know how dangerous it is to stray from the flock, wanders off, drawn by a weed that looks different or perhaps he just wants to get a better look at that tree over yonder. He wanders off and soon the flock is out of sight. Noone in the flock seems to know that he is missing. No, the flock is very happy eating, bumping each other to get to a better-looking patch of grass and making noise just to hear themselves.

The wolf also has picked up his pace, the growling in his stomach serving to add spring to his step. He arrives at the thicket before the shepherd does. He growls and saliva drips from his mouth as he bares his teeth at the lamb. The lamb sounds the alarm and just as the wolf was going to leap and claim his prize, he is pelted with three good sized rocks which sting him and one of them draws blood. He turns around and there on the high ground is the shepherd. There is no time to consider what to do, another rock hits him in the side. The shepherd comes running with his deadly crook high above his head. The wolf beats feet thinking that lamb is fattening, maybe he should look for a nice rabbit for lunch. The lamb hears the shepherds voice and is calmed. He knows he is safe. With a bit of pulling, the lamb, shaking in fright, is freed from the bramble and the shepherd carries him on his neck back to the safety of the herd.

Our days are busy as we go from one thing to another and we fall into bed dead tired at night and we don't take time to pray. We need to be less busy and more attentive to the spiritual side of ourselves. A minute or two is all He asks for. He did so much for us, can't we give him just that minute before we sleep or before we rise for the work of the next day? Perhaps we can stop the clock for just a minute or two to say a prayer of thanks for all that He has done and all that He continues to do for us. Make it a point to have a prayer minute, just sixty seconds, sometime during the day. It will start you on the road to becoming a prayer warrior.
Please remember the Poor Souls in Purgatory today, they really need your prayers. Thank you for whatever you can do during your busy, busy day.
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