Monday, January 8, 2018

All Are Called

ACTS 10: 34 - 38
Peter proceeded to speak to those gathered
in the house of Cornelius, saying: 
"In truth, I see that God shows no partiality.
Rather, in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly          
is acceptable to him.
You know the word that he sent to the Israelites 
as he proclaimed peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all, 
what has happened all over Judea, 
beginning in Galilee after the baptism
that John preached, 
how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth
with the Holy Spirit and power.
He went about doing good 
and healing all those oppressed by the devil, 
for God was with him."

The Catholic Church is called Catholic because it is universal, that is, it is for everyone. Headquartered in Rome, the Churchs' ongoing mission is to preach the Good News of Jesus to the whole world.  For approximately fifteen-hundred years her voice was the sole voice that cried out in the wilderness.  Then, tragedy struck.  A man named Martin Luther tore the Church asunder and founded his own brand of Christianity and stepping away from the Church that Jesus founded, he led people astray.  Some of those people who broke from the Church did not agree with everything that Martin Luther taught. They broke away from him and founded their own church that was more comfortable with the way they thought that salvation was wrought.  Everything was fine but then a few more people broke away from the churches that sprung up in the wake of Martin Luther's rebellion because their view did not correspond with the view of the person that founded their former brand of Christianity.  Today, because of Martin Luther, Christian denominations number about thirty-thousand, each professing a different version of what they say is Christian truth. 

Through it all, the Catholic Church remained faithful to her founder and His teachings. Jesus wanted one Church and one people and He expressed this desire at the Last Supper when He prayed that we be one as He and the Father were one. The next day, Jesus, of His own free will took up His cross and died for the sins of all.  This is an important thing to remember; He did for all of us.  He knew from the beginning that the Church would remain faithful to Him and His teachings. But, He knows the ways of man and He knew that there would be discord and division.  His plan allowed for this to happen because He knew men of good will would sometimes wander off the path he made for them and He knew that the Father loved all of His children and so He would accept them all. 

I've wondered about the ultimate fate of each of the great reformers in the Protestant revolt.  Did Martin Luther give up his salvation because of the stubborn pride that caused him to create a schism in the Church?  What about some of the others?  I have no doubt that in their hearts they were men of good will but did they realize what they were doing?  Are these men that drew so many away from the Church in heaven or are they in hell teaching religion to Hitler and Stalin along with the Rev. Jim Jones?  I do not know about their fate just as I do not know the ultimate fate of Judas who betrayed the Lord. Come to think of it, while I suspect, I do not really have a clue as to where Hitler and Stalin or Jim Jones are spending their eternity.  I leave this up to God and his judgment, justice, and mercy for I will have enough to answer for when I stand before Him. 

Peter makes it very clear in our reading that Christ opened heaven for everyone who calls Jesus, Lord and who acts uprightly.  So, I've said this before and I will say it again.  The people who populate all of the denominations that are NOT Catholic can attain heaven just as a Catholic can.  The difference is that the occasions of Grace are just not as prevalent in the Protestant world as they reject the seven sacraments and they believe that the Eucharist is a mere memorial to Jesus and not the Real Presence that it is, discounting the teachings of Christ in the Gospel of John. 

We Catholics have advantages that our Protestant friends do not have.  This makes it easier for us to live a Christian life and to be true followers of  Jesus.  Because our separated brothers and sisters do not have these advantages it simply means that we need to pray for them and pray that one day all unity is restored.  For Jesus, Himself said that there will be one Shepherd and one flock.  The victory is already His. 

One day I will draw my last breath and leave this earth behind. I will know at that moment that I am not ready or fit for heaven yet. I will choose Purgatory so I can make turn my whole heart over to God.  I would hope that there would be someone to pray for me to lessen my time.  Please, pray for those in Purgatory, remembering your relatives and friends and especially for the soul that has been their the longest and has no one on earth to pray for them.

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