Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Brothers and Sisters of Jesus - Say What?

The mother of Jesus and his brothers arrived at the house.
Standing outside, they sent word to Jesus and called him.
A crowd seated around him told him,
"Your mother and your brothers and your sisters
are outside asking for you."
But he said to them in reply,
"Who are my mother and my brothers?"
And looking around at those seated in the circle he said,
"Here are my mother and my brothers.
For whoever does the will of God
is my brother and sister and mother."

Okay, I confess, this passage is my least favorite in the whole New Testament because the only thing I can think of when I read it is but a single word, "brat."  Also, the translators do us Catholics no favors because they cannot adequately translate the words used to describe brothers and sisters so the verses seem to show that Mary the Mother of God did not remain a virgin because all of a sudden we have these brothers and sisters hanging around. Gleefully, evangelists who want to trample on Catholic Doctrine point out that if Jesus had all of these brothers and sisters then it follows Mary did not remain a virgin. They then close their Bible, thump it, and close their minds and stand there with a smug smile on their face demanding the Catholic that they are talking with refute the what the Bible plainly says.  Many of us would stand there with mouth agape hemming and hawing until we give up, close our mouth and hang our heads thus giving victory to the Thumper.  What we should have done is tell the Thumper that the word used in the original translation is "adelphos" and that it does mean "blood brothers" (Thumper smiles knowingly.) but it also means step-brothers, cousins, uncles, nephews, in other words, extended family of all types.  (Thumper is visibly displeased and is about to say something when you give him Biblical proof of what you are saying) You point out that this is the same word used in Genesis to describe the relationship between Abraham and Lot.  They were not blood brothers, but uncle and nephew. (Thumper is getting uncomfortable speaking with a knowledgeable Catholic.)  You point out that Laban and Jacob are described as brothers but here again, the word used is the same adelphos used to describe who is waiting to speak to Jesus, and they too are uncle and nephew. (Thumper lowers his eyes and with a final mighty thump on his King James Bible, turns on his heel, head down, and softly whispering the sinner's prayer under his breath, walks away sorry that he took on a Catholic versed in the truth,)  Oh, by the way, although I am not going to go into it, the word used for sisters is similar in nature, it refers to extended family as well.  So, plainly Jesus says that those who follow Him by doing the will of God are his true relations. 

So, I am sorry that I did not have anything to say today in my blog, I just don't like this passage of scripture.  Maybe we will have better luck tomorrow. 

Do you know someone who has died?  To think of them as already in heaven is a very comforting thought for us that are still on earth. But it is possible that they are in Purgatory and waiting for your prayers to help get them out. Don't let your love for them stop at the grave, pray for them by name, they need your prayers because they cannot help themselves, they rely on us.  If your loved one is not in Purgatory, then your prayers will help someone else who needs it.  Pray today for the Poor Souls, they will be forever grateful.  Always remember, as they are, someday you may be.

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