Monday, January 22, 2018

The Unforgivable Sin

Amen, I say to you, all sins and all blasphemies 
that people utter will be forgiven them.
But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit 
will never have forgiveness, 
but is guilty of an everlasting sin."

In the first post for this year I wrote about how much God loves you.  By "you" I didn't mean you in the generic sense, I meant you as you see yourself in the mirror every morning.  Our Father in heaven is so much in love with us that it is possible to even hate Him for most of your life and to repent of your stupidity and love Him at the last minute and in spite of all of the abuse you have heaped upon Him, because of His Son, and His infinite love for you, He will take you back.  

Rob a bank, commit a murder, lie, cheat, steal, be an adulterer, and repent and He will forgive you. There is a catch, but it is not in the terms and conditions I've already spelled out.  Any sin can and will be forgiven if you repent.  But there is one sin that will not be forgiven and that would be blasphemes against the Holy Spirit.  This is a ridiculously hard sin to commit but I fear that it is committed daily and many people are ending up in the infernal regions because of it.  But, if the sin is so hard to commit, how is it that so many commit it on a daily basis?  

God is with us every day of our life. We receive abundances of grace to help us live in the manner that a son or daughter of the Great King should live.  Daily we choose between good and bad, between ourselves and others.  Our lives are years and years in the making and all of it, every day and every decision is an occasion to love God or to hate Him.  Every day we progress in holiness, or not, as our choices propel us. This love that is poured out on us, this grace comes from the Holy Spirit and He endows us with much more than we can ever use. 

The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit comes at the end of our time on earth.  When we are finally given the choice between heaven and hell, if we have been docile to the grace of the Spirit and accept it and have used it wisely, we will choose heaven because that is where our sight has been for our whole life.  We have seen and have experienced the love of God in our life.  On the other hand, if, at that awful moment, we see that we were given every chance and rejected the goodness of God and the graces He lavished on us, and in effect rejected God at every turn in our life, we will reject God at that moment as well and we will hang our heads and trudge off to the destiny we chose when we blasphemed the Holy Spirit by refusing His gifts through our whole life.  The sin of rejecting God cannot be forgiven because it is our choice made in accordance with our free will and God loves us so much that He will let us choose eternity without Him.  

Do not despair. Turn to God and enjoy the graces he showers down upon you.  It will help make your life joyful and your time on earth a foretaste of heaven. God really wants YOU with Him and even now as you read this is gifting you with the graces you will need to live out this day. 

Purgatory is proof positive that we have a loving God. He provides it as a way for us to prepare ourselves to be in His presence by removing the attachments we have to things that are not holy and to make up any temporal punishments we have not made up during our lives.  Please pray for the Poor Souls.  They will remember you forever if you do. 

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