Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sunday Edition - For The Thinking Catholic



We all know someone that I like to call a "Two Timer."  A "Two Timer" is a baptized Catholic (or other Christian) that does not realize that the Church is open on other days of the year besides Christmas and Easter. Something is calling them home on at least those two days of the year, or at least the call is loud enough to break through all of the static that our world broadcasts on a daily basis. 

Perhaps we are seeing the results of a breakdown in our teaching of Catholic Doctrine.  But then again, two timers would not be too concerned with doctrine.  They attend on these two dates because it gives them a warm and fuzzy feeling.  This warm and fuzzy feeling of doing something good is what propels the person to church but of course, that is not the reason why we go to church each Sunday and that is what we need to teach to the two timers - why the church is open every Sunday and why people choose to go. 

For those that need it, there is a precept of the church that compels us to attend church weekly under pain of sin. For those of us who are just starting out in the spiritual life and need something on paper telling us what to do, well, this is a good thing to have.  After we are confirmed and receive the Holy Spirit we should no longer need to have a rule and regulation to make us go to church. By the time we are confirmed, we should see that going to Mass is the central act of our lives and only the strongest of reasons should keep us from attending.  So, our two timers are basically not as far along on the spiritual path as we might be.  This is okay because we all grow at different rates and are different places in our spiritual journey.  What we have that the two timer does not is the realization that the Holy Eucharist is absolutely required for us to live and grow closer to Christ.  This relationship to Christ is nourished not only by the Eucharist, it is also nourished by the Word of the Gospel, the Homily and probably more important is that we are one body held together and united by the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ which is what the Eucharist does for us.  

So, how do we get the two timers back with us on a regular basis? It is not going to be an easy job. If you know a two-timer perhaps a simple invitation might work?  The Church is trying her best with the "Catholics Come Home" website and television commercials. Every person who has ever been baptized a Catholic is still a Catholic today even if they go to another denomination's worship service.  Deep inside they know that while they may be among good people, and maybe they are hearing the Gospel, they are missing the Eucharist.  To my way of thinking there is no sadder thing than to see a runaway Catholic eating a cracker and an ounce of grape juice four times a year as a mere memorial when they could have Christ Himself every day of the week if they so desire.  

Why should they come back? As Chesterton once wrote: “The difficulty in explaining 'why I am a Catholic' is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.”  Every Christian denomination has bits and pieces of truth, but, why accept eighty-five percent of the truth in a Baptist, Presbyterian, or a non-denominational church when just down the block the local Catholic Church has one-hundred-percent- guaranteed by the Holy Spirit truth in what she preaches?  So a big reason they should come back is for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!  

So what can we do to bring back our lost brothers and sisters? Invite them back if you know that they have been away.  Ask why they have lost the habit of going to Church each week.  Tell them the truth, that the Church hasn't been the same since they left because it hasn't.  Explain to them how we all make up the Body of Christ and when one member goes missing the rest of the Body is injured.  Get them to go to the Catholics Come Home on the internet (  ).  But most of all, testify to how going to Church every week has made a difference in your life.  Be honest and sincere and brief. And tell them all of this with joy in your heart and do not turn it into a sermon.  Just let them know you care.  In this world today that is what a lot of people are looking for, someone who cares.  Let that person be you. 

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