Monday, April 30, 2018

The Spirit Lives In Us!

I know I said it before, but I will say it again.  The Apostles didn't get it.  They were so dull-witted at times that if Jesus had not been divine, He would have fired the lot of them and got himself a fresh crew.  But of course, the quotation comes from Our Lord speaking at the Last Supper, late in the game, as the very next day Jesus would redeem us by His death on the Cross.  He knew that these men, who were all good men, except one, of course, would panic.  He had to reassure them that what they had learned would not be forgotten and that the heavenly teaching that they had received from Him would continue.  No, at this moment the Apostles didn't get it but they would remember these words. 

We as modern day Christians don't get it either. We have been taught our faith either in school, religious education courses, private reading and while we accepted what we heard and today are trying to live out our Christian life we forget sometimes the guiding principles that are supposed to shine forth in our life.  I like the way Jesus uses the word "remind."  We send friendly reminders to people all of the time.  And to be fair, the Holy Spirit might send you a friendly reminder, He has done so in my life.  But I think that the Spirit is there to help keep us honest, to convict us of our errors and put our feet back on to the right path.  His work is deadly serious and sometimes He can be less than subtle. He is charged with keeping the flames of righteousness blazing in this world and today He has to work non-stop.

Praise God and Jesus whose great love for one another gives us the Holy Spirit;  The Spirit wants to work in our lives, to unleash powers that we can only imagine.  He knows the gifts that God has given us and will be there to help us use them to further the Kingdom. Be open to His promptings.  Be open when your conscience is speaking to you, that voice is powered by the Spirit that is within you, who came to you on the day of your confirmation.  Rely on Him and be at peace for He will guide you down the path you need to trod.  Let Him show you the way and your final step will be into the arms of Jesus when you take your last breath. 

I hope you had a chance to read yesterdays refection on Purgatory and I hope that you will set aside ninety seconds of your busy day and use it to pray for the poor souls.  Thank you! 

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